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Earworm's Internal Communications Policy

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Summary: Our internal communications policy outlines the procedures and platforms used for communication within our team and with clients.

At Earworm, we understand that clear, open, and accessible communication forms the bedrock of our business success. Here’s how we communicate:

1. Slack for Internal Communications: We utilize Slack for all our internal communications. This includes project discussions, sales, leads, and general chatter. It’s where we keep each other updated and stay connected as a team.

2. Email for Client Communications: Emails are our go-to for external, client-facing communications. All team members involved in a specific project should be included in the email thread with the client to ensure we’re all on the same page.

3. BCC to Capsule CRM: To maintain a historical record of all emails and facilitate team-wide access, all outgoing emails from team members must be blind copied (BCC) to our Capsule CRM dropbox email. This practice enables us to preserve and retrieve essential communication when needed.

4. WhatsApp for Business: We use WhatsApp for engaging with new leads and for ongoing support with clients that prefer this medium. It provides an easy, accessible, and immediate way to connect with us.

Additional Guidelines:

5. Use of Company Email: Your company email is for professional use only. It’s crucial to maintain the privacy and security of this email account as it contains sensitive company and client information.

6. Posting on Social Media: Be conscious of the content you post on social media. Any post that is connected to or reflects upon Earworm should uphold our company values and professional image.

7. Respectful Communication: Always strive for clear, respectful, and open communication, whether it’s with a team member or a client. This helps foster a healthy, productive work environment.

8. Prompt Response: We value each other’s time. Please respond to all communications promptly.

Remember, the goal of this policy is not to control communication, but to ensure it’s effective, respectful, and beneficial to everyone in the company and our clients.

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