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Setting Up a Client Workspace on Trello – A Comprehensive Guide

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Our approach to project management at Earworm relies heavily on the use of Trello, a collaborative tool that promotes transparency and organisation in a shared workspace. This guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of setting up a client workspace on Trello, ensuring optimal collaboration with our clients.

  1. Understanding the Importance of Trello: The use of Trello fosters a collaborative environment that facilitates clear communication between Earworm and our clients. Its features provide real-time updates and a centralized space where tasks, progress, and files can be organized, promoting transparency and efficiency.
  2. Creating a New Board: To create a client’s workspace, we begin by copying a new board from the MASTER CLIENT TEMPLATE. This forms the foundation upon which we build the client-specific workspace.
  3. Customising the Workspace: Following the creation of the new board, the next step is customizing the workspace based on the client’s needs. Our “card template options” house templates for all of our services. Refer to the client’s Qwilr proposal to identify which services they’ve agreed to, and accordingly, add the relevant cards from the templates to the board. If a bespoke service has been quoted for the client, or if a service isn’t present in the card templates, manually create a new card to represent it.
  4. Organizing Tasks: All new tasks should be added to the “To Do” column. This column serves as the hub for all upcoming tasks, providing a clear view of what lies ahead.
  5. Client Links: In the “Client Links” column, add a link to the client’s original proposal for easy reference. Ideally, the proposal document should be downloaded and saved as a PDF directly on the Trello board for easy access.
  6. Setting Up the Aesthetic: Once the board’s content is set up, it’s time to focus on the aesthetics. Set a custom image for the background to make the workspace more engaging. If you don’t have access to Midjourney, request a custom image via Slack.
  7. Inviting the Client: The last step in setting up the client’s Trello workspace involves sending the client an invitation to join the board. Please remember to invite the client only to the board and not the workspace, as this would give them access to all our internal Trello boards.

Here’s a template of the invitation message you can use:

Hey [Client's Name],

Welcome to your project workspace! We have created a Trello board for your podcast project. This is where we will manage tasks, share updates, and keep everything organised for a smooth journey ahead.

We look forward to working closely with you.

[Your Name]

Remember, the invitation message should be professional yet warm, highlighting our commitment to transparency and collaboration.

Setting up a client workspace on Trello requires meticulous attention to detail and a deep understanding of the client’s needs. This guide aims to streamline this process, ensuring every step is handled with the care and precision our clients deserve.

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